Sunday 26 May 2013

The Khawarij of Lal Masjid, media propaganda and Army Operation!

The Khawarij of Lal Masjid, media propaganda and Army Operation!

The Khawarij of Lal Masjid, media propaganda and Army Operation!

The Khawarij of Lal Masjid, media propaganda and Army Operation!

 Is'nt this strange that while Supreme Court refuses to form commission to probe suicide of Akbar Bugti, it forms the commission to protect and defend the Khawarij of Lal masjid. Chief has already condemned the army in both the case. In Bugti case, even without investigation, he had said that "murder of Bugti was the biggest blunder in Pakistan's political history"!! while in this case he said "there were many who were killed in Lal masjid have not proven to be terrorists" !! In both cases, he is directly blaming Pak army for murdering Bugti and Khawarij of TTP. But the CJ fails to explain who killed 5 SSG officers in the cave of Bugti and 18 SSG officers and men in Lal Masjid???

Just a few days back, we had launched a global campaign against Khawarij and "dogs of hell". Today, CJ comes to the help of Khawarij and accepts all the allegations of Lal masjid Khawarij against Pak army and makes them the Terms of reference of the inquiry.

We want to know why is this that CJ is taking all those cases where he can attack and humiliate the army? why is he NOT taking the cases where the traitors, enemies and awara media is threatened? Why is CJ waging a war against Pak army ?????

Then the CJ says there is no proof that there were terrorists inside !! Innalillahe inna alehe rajeoon.

Army went into Lal masjid for a hostage rescue operation to recover women and children kept hostage by these snakes. Many women and children were recovered also. Dozens of SSG died and were wounded trying to protect women and children against these snakes who were armed to the teeth, wearing military gas masks and carrying US made M14 styled rifles. There are documented footage available to prove that TTP was inside Lal masjid. Now the same TTP is using the Supreme Court to attack Pak army through this CJ.

Photo: This is the picture of Mullah Burqa! remember him??? Surrounded by TTP Khawarij in Lal masjid and instigating fitnah which continues to this day. This Mullah should have been hanged but instead he is now in the Supreme Court and the CJ is giving him full protocol to wage his judicial war against Pak army.  CJ says, there is no proof that there were terrorists inside Lal masjid....<br/><br/>It is clear that CJ does not want to see.

Army went into Lal masjid for a hostage rescue operation as there were reports that women and children have been kept hostage by these TTP Khawarij. Those reports later turned out to be false and only part of propaganda but the military operation was directly to save women and children against these snakes who were hiding in numbers inside the Lal masjid. There were few women and children belonging to the family of Mullah Burqa who were indeed rescued. rest is all propaganda and lies that army killed thousands of women and children inside. These Khawarij are the dogs of hell and the biggest liars and munafiqeen. Anyone who trust their word is also destined for disaster.

 This is the picture of Mullah Burqa! remember him??? Surrounded by TTP Khawarij in Lal masjid and instigating fitnah which continues to this day. This Mullah should have been hanged but instead he is now in the Supreme Court and the CJ is giving him full protocol to wage his judicial war against Pak army. CJ says, there is no proof that there were terrorists inside Lal masjid....

It is clear that CJ does not want to see.

Photo: Rasul Allah (sm) has blessed the army which fights the Khawarij. Remember this and do not disobey Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). <br/><br/>All those who are defending Lal masjid Khawarij, should answer one simple question. What were these battalions of TTP Khawarij doing in Lal majid?? Attacking people, police and Rangers and killing dozens of people in a single day?? why is that, it is OK for Lal masjid to keep hundreds of Kalashnikov, gas masks, rocket propelled grenades and machine guns??? Under what law or shariat ??? Why did they bring these weapons into Islamabad??????? <br/><br/>If Allah has written zillat and khawari for you, then go ahead and support these snakes. All those blessed with vision, baseerat and wisdom know that this was a fitnah and Rasul Allah (sm) has blessed the army which destroys the fitnah of Khawarij. If any one is more wise than Rasul Allah (sm) (naoozubillah), then he should open his mouth else the believers would stay silent and support the army against Kharaij. <br/><br/>Those who know us know that our duty is the speak the truth, not to please the people but to please Allah (swt) and Rasul Allah (sm). We are not seeking fans on our page but are giving azaan for the dignity of Ummat e Rasul (sm). InshAllah, we will do our duty. If you do not trust us, leave this page. This page is for those who love Allah and Rasul Allah (sm), love Medina e Sani and love the blessed Pak army of Ghazwa e Hind and anti Khawarij war. We offer no apologies, we have no regrets and we stand by what we say. Allahu Akbar!

Rasul Allah (sm) has blessed the army which fights the Khawarij. Remember this and do not disobey Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm).

All those who are defending Lal masjid Khawarij, should answer one simple question. What were these battalions of TTP Khawarij doing in Lal majid?? Attacking people, police and Rangers and killing dozens of people in a single day?? why is that, it is OK for Lal masjid to keep hundreds of Kalashnikov, gas masks, rocket propelled grenades and machine guns??? Under what law or shariat ??? Why did they bring these weapons into Islamabad???????

If Allah has written zillat and khawari for you, then go ahead and support these snakes. All those blessed with vision, baseerat and wisdom know that this was a fitnah and Rasul Allah (sm) has blessed the army which destroys the fitnah of Khawarij. If any one is more wise than Rasul Allah (sm) (naoozubillah), then he should open his mouth else the believers would stay silent and support the army against Kharaij.

Those who know us know that our duty is the speak the truth, not to please the people but to please Allah (swt) and Rasul Allah (sm). We are not seeking fans on our page but are giving azaan for the dignity of Ummat e Rasul (sm). InshAllah, we will do our duty. If you do not trust us, leave this page. This page is for those who love Allah and Rasul Allah (sm), love Medina e Sani and love the blessed Pak army of Ghazwa e Hind and anti Khawarij war. We offer no apologies, we have no regrets and we stand by what we say. Allahu Akbar!


What was the casualty figures of Lal masjid operation and how many women and girls died??? Now hear this.There were about 75 militants in the masjid who were all killed. Who else??? listen to this.


Hear from the mouth of Mullah and the wife of Mullah abdul aziz.

1. TTP militants have come to Lal masjid with weapons.
2. Suicide bombers are present inside.
3. A student of Lal masjid had fired the first shot and killed a soldier of

Those who still cannot see that Lal masjid gangs are Khawarij, then there is no khair left in them. Is this the way a Masjid and Madrassa should behave in an Islamic society????? what should be the responsibility of the state if a masjid has TTP terrorists who are attacking and killing people, army and soldiers ?? See the most twisted version of Kharji "Islam" here. Astaghfurullah !!!


You have seen in the video posted above that the TTP and militants of Baitullah Mehsud were present in Lal masjid and indeed they killed army and Ranger men. The confessions from the mouth of Mullah Burqa and his brother and wife. For now, read this report and pics from Terminal X.

Operation Silence: The Pakistan Army's war against Khawarij militants in the Red Mosque

And when they are told, "Do not spread corruption on earth," they answer, "We are but improving things!". Oh, verily, it isthey, they who are spreading corruption but they perceive it not. [The Qur'an, Al-Baqarah 11-12]

And there are those Who put up a mosque By way of mischief and infidelity To disunite the Believers And in preparation for one Who warred against Allah And His Apostle aforetime. They will indeed swear That their intention is nothing But good; but Allah doth declare That they are certainly liars. [The Qur'an, At-Tawbah 107]

"A person with eyes protruding, with a long beard and head clean-shaven came to the Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) and declared: 'O Muhammad! (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) fear Allah. "' The Prophet(Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) replied: "If I disobey Allah, then who else will obey Him? I am obedient to Allah at all times and never disobedient. Allah has sent me as Amin(Honest for the entire world, but you don't accept me as an honest man?' 

A Sahabi (Companion) became infuriated and sought permission to remove him from the presence of the Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam). The Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) prevented the Sahabi from doing so After the person had left, the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: "From his progeny will rise a Group who will recite the Holy Quran but it will not go below their throats. They will leave the Deen just as an arrow leaves the bowstring. They will kill the Muslims but spare the idolaters. If I ever confronted these people I would slaughter them just as the people of Aad had been destroyed" (Mishkat Shareef, pp/535)

The Caliph Ali (RA) narrated as follows: "I heard the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) as saying that as the Day of Qiyamah approaches there will appear a group of youths with a low mental capacity and understanding, apparently they will talk of good but their Imaan will not go beyond their throat and they will leave the true Deen like an arrow leaves the prey. Wherever you find them, you should make Jihad with them." (Sahih Bukhari pp/1024)

The Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) stated: "My Ummah is destined to differ and be divided. So a group will arise whose talks will sound very good but their character will be misleading. They will read the Quran but it will not descend below their throats (just oral reading). They will leave Deen just as an arrow pierces and goes right through the prey. They will not return to Islam. They are the worst of creation because of their nature and constitution. They will call the people towards the Qur'an and Deen whilst in reality they will have nothing to do with Islam. Whoever will confront them, he will be the most beloved servant of Allah. The Sahaba inquired: "Ya Rasoolullah, (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) what is their sign?" He replied: "Sitting in a Halqa (circle)." (Mishkat Shareef, pp/308)

The hostile youth of Lal Masjid and Jamia Hafsa started their campaign to enforce Islam by making aggression and threatning suicide attacks on the government imposing direct threat to the civilians and ultimately vowing to launch Jihad against the country.

Abdullah bin Umar RA narrated, the Messenger SAW observed: "He who takes up arms against us is not one of us." [Sahih Muslim # 123]

The fact is that these extremists were Takfiris who are quick to declare war on Muslims if they disagree with them, they consider all Muslims as kafirs/apostates/spies/enemies who are not with them and consider it legal to harm their lives, wealth and property. The psychology of these people is that they think all the Muslim states are not following Islam therefore it is legal to first declare Jihad on them.

After several months of hostility, clashes suddenly erupted between the militants and security forces which later turned deadly when one Rangers personnel was shot dead. The battle started when the militants opened fire at the Rangers during negotiations at the main entrance of the mosque after a protest demonstration by the female students of the seminary at about 12:15 pm. In the firing, Lance Naik Mubarik Hussain and Lance Naik Ghulam Abbas of the Rangers sustained multiple bullet injuries and were shifted to Federal Government Services Hospital (FGSH). Mubarik died during surgery while Abbas was in critical condition. Mubarik was driver of Col Masha'Allah, who was negotiating with the Lal Masjid administration to get back a gun and a wireless set earlier snatched by the Mosque militants from a Rangers personnel. Mubarik was standing beside the colonel when the students opened fire.

The students of the seminary went on a rampage and the Lal Masjid administration declared“Jihad” on behalf of Maulana Abdul Aziz, Khateeb and administrator of the mosque. The spokesman of Lal Masjid told that their suicide bombers had been granted permission to find targets on their own and strike wherever they choose to.

Some students pounced upon Islamabad police officials, snatched their weapons and wireless sets and started raising slogans, they were soon joined by over 100 more students. The Rangers returned fire but avoided direct shooting. They fired shots ‘over the heads’ to warn the Lal Masjid militants.

However, as the firing from Lal Masjid continued to grow the Rangers and Islamabad police resorted to tear gas shelling to calm down the situation. The nearby building of Ministry of Environment was attacked and burnt and public as well as private properties were also damaged (The News). The bloody day left 10 deaths including a media person and nearly 100 injured. 3 July 2007.

Army was mobilised, Cobra helicopters started recce flights, APCs arrived in the capital and the famous 111 Brigade took position in the affected area. The masjid and seminary was seiged and Sector G-6 was put under indefinite curfew, it was the first curfew in the history of Islamabad. 3/4 July 2007.

The government adopted an effective strategy and succeeded in forcing the students to come out of the premises voluntarily. Water, gas and power supply of the masjid and seminary was cutt off. Deadlines were announced for those present inside to come out and the students started exiting the mosque and seminary, more than 1000 male and female students exited and were offered safe passage to their homes. The head cleric Maulana Abdul Aziz was captured red handed while escaping disguised in a burqa attempting to leave the mosque along with a group of female students, he was carrying a lady’s handbag stuffed with a lipstick, an ID card of a woman and a diary (The News). 4 July 2007.

Students continued to surrender outside the besieged Lal Masjid. Guardians of the students of Jamia Hafsa faced more difficulties in getting their girls released from the custody of clerics as militants offered resistance. This all was happening in the presence of law-enforcement agencies, which were unable to interfere at that stage. Interestingly, militants were offering more resistance while releasing the girls (The News). 5 July 2007.

The standoff continued and the elite commandos from the Zarrar Company of SSG joined the operation as exchange of firing continued with the troops. 6 July 2007.

Relatives cry as militants refused to let their family members go out of the Lal Masjid, negotiations continued between both sides to end the standoff but without positive out come. As the seige continued, women and children were not being allowed to leave the seminary by the militants in pursue of the strategy that if any harm happens to them the blame can be easily put on the Pakistan Army but the government continuously extended the deadlines with the strategy to evacuate the mosque and annexed madrassa. 6 July 2007.

Confrontation and exchange of gunfire continued between Zarrar Company and the militants. During the relaxation in curfew the armed fanatics inside the besieged mosque opened fire on the children's parents when they went to the Jamia Hafsa gate in search of their children (Pak Tribune). 7 July 2007.

The commandos raided the outer perimeter of the complex at midnight setting off explosives blasting holes through the boundary walls of the compound in a hope to help women and children escape. The Commanding Officer Lt. Col Haroon ul Islam who was leading got wounded along with three other officers Maj Tariq, Capt Omar and Capt Bilal when they came under heavy fire from the militants, Lt. Col Haroon was airlifted to CMH Rawalpindi and passed away later, his killer Muhammad Maqsood, guard of Maulana Abdul Rashid Ghazi was killed in retaliatory fire by the security forces. 7/8 July 2007.

The Namaz e Janaza (funeral prayers) of Lieutenant Colonel Haroon Islam was held at Chaklala on Sunday morning. He was later buried in his native city of Lahore.

Standoff continued between the troops and militants with no end in sight, a Rangers personnel looks back at the bullet-riddled besieged mosque during a heavy exchange of fire. 8 July 2007.

Soldiers hold their positions as the seige continues. The following night, UAV flew over the complex capturing images of the movements inside to plan starategy for the inevitable assault and to also study the claims of the cleric Abdul Rashid Ghazi regarding casualties and damage caused to Lal Masjid and Jamia Hafsa.

Six unfortunate parents who had gone inside the Lal Masjid to get release of their children have too been held hostage by the militants holed up in the seminary. Credible sources told Online that the Islamabad Administration had emphatically advised these parents not to take the risk of going inside the seminary but they insisted to allow them make the attempt to get the release of their children. The sources said, that they have not returned back, adding that they too have been held hostage along with other male and female students restrained at the gun point from coming out of the Lal Masjid Complex by the militants. 9 July 2007.

After the negotiations between the delegation of scholars, political leaders and the stubborn cleric which were continuing the following night failed, the SSG commandos stormed the Mosque and the adjacent seminary at dawn. 10 July 2007.

SSG commandos from Zarrar Company move towards the mosque for a strike against the Takfiri militants. Captain Salman is also seen at the front left.

The commandos launched the attack by breaching the mosque from the south and assaulting it in three directions, heavy fighting started between both sides, some 20 children rushed towards the advancing troops and were brought to safety.

Reinforcement commandos move towards the complex as intense battle continue throughout the day between the die hard Takfiri militants. The assault combat was aimed at ending the retaliation by extremist militants and saving the lives of hostages who were trapped inside the mosque. After the militants were neutralized in the mosque the commandos progressed deeper into the complex, the seminary was booby trapped to stop the advance of the commandos and it took several hours of intense fighting to take control.

During the day Director General ISPR Major General Waheed Arshad gave updates of the ongoing battle in press conferences. The militants were taking positions in almost every room, they were fighting from room to room and had positions in the basement and on the stairs, they were armed with machineguns and rocket-propelled grenades. The assault continued for more time than expected as the military refrained from using excessive force due to the presence of children and women among the militants. 10 July 2007.

The bitter battle continues and casualties are inflicted, injured army commandos are brought to a hospital.

Pakistani troops make way to ambulances toward the besieged compound. 100 injured militants and students from the besieged mosque were brought to various hospitals in Islamabad.

Picture released by ISPR shows breaches in the walls of the compound. The cleric Maulana Abdul Rasheed Ghazi leading the fight got killed when he came out to surrender with his companions and was caught in the crossfire with militants who did not let him surrender, his already ill mother also died of suffocation. According to various reports, security forces during search inside the basement of Jamia Hafsa and Lal Masjid recovered 27 women including wife of Abdul Aziz Umme Hassan and his daughter Asma Aziz and 3 children. 10 July 2007.

During a break in fighting commandos return from foward positions around the complex. Over 50 militants surrendered during the battle. The battle was not over yet as the remaining militants present inside the complex were still fighting, the heavily armed militants had retreated into the basement using women and children as human shields and were putting up a stiff fight. 10 July 2007.

The battle passed in to the next day and it took almost 36 hours to fully secure the complex as it was booby trapped. The heavily armed, well trained and well equipped militants fought with desperate courage and had not only denied the commandos a quick success but also inflicted casualties. 11 July 2007.

Some secured pictures by ONLINE establish the presence of foreign militants, photo shows a dead body of foreign Uzbek militant lying at the compound.

Secured pictures by ONLINE establish the presence of foreign militants, some dead bodies of foreign militants lying at the compound.

SSG commandos leave the area after wiping out the militants from the compound, troops cleared the final clutch of diehard militants following two days of intense fighting that left at least 80 dead.

Some of the soldiers who were martyred during the fight with militants. 164 commandos took part in the operation, 11 SSG commandos including Captain Salman Farooq Lodhi got martyred and 33 were wounded in battle with the militants. 11 July 2007.

Janaza prayer was held in Rawalpindi for the army commandos who died in the operation and Gen. Musharraf visited CMH Rawalpindi and comforted the wounded commandos. 11 July 2007.

People bury the dead militants in presence of the media in a graveyard in Islamabad, there were total 94 casualties in the fighting. 12 July 2007.

When the operation finished the mosque and seminary was immediately opened to the media, the complex witnessed definetely showed that a bloody and intense battle took place.

The weapons which were recovered from the compound included AK-47 rifles, Russian made RPG and Chinese variant RPG-7 rockets, PK machine guns, anti-tank and anti-personnel landmines, suicide bombing belts, three to five .22 caliber rifles, RPD and RPK-74 light machine guns, Dragunov sniper rifles, SKS rifles, pistols, night vision equipment, over 50,000 rounds of various caliber ammunition. Three crates of petrol bombs prepared from green soft drinking bottles, gas masks, two-way radios, large plastic buckets held tennis-ball-size homemade bombs and knives were also displayed. 12 July 2007

As the role of ‘free’ media was concerned, it was criticizing the government before the assault lecturing that the government was continuously delaying the prolonged operation to gain political mileage from the crisis while the residents of the affected sector pressed on the government to wind up the operation as soon as possible. When the operation concluded the same media which earlier criticized started blaming the government for taking action raising cries that brutality had been committed. On the same hand the supporters and former students of the seminary did their best to emotionally trap the nation and grab sympathies by presenting the operation as a massacre against them however they were not very successful.

When the operation concluded, the free media in a usual habit to make a hot issue spread a rumor that White Phosphorous, a chemical weapon was used by the commandos in an order to give an impression to the nation that the commandos were brutal and tyrant and they only went in to kill women and children instead of battling the militants. The fact about the White Phosphorous is that the army uses a grenade called SMOKE DISCHARGE/GRENADE WP P3 MK1, locally produced in POF and is used for smoke screening purposes in battles which is an ordinary grenade and not a chemical weapon, the name was misused in the media.

The media played with the casualty figures and spread another rumor that 1000 were killed in the battle by the commandos and more than one bodies were put in one coffin. Those who had put up these claims could never themselves prove them to be true. Apart from these false doubts which fall in the category of lies, a fact which everyone saw was that the number of parents who were looking for their lost ones had fall less than 80 and continued to decrease. Another fact was that the attendance register of the seminary showed a presence of around 1700 students including those who did not reside in the complex. More than 1000 had come out of the seminary in the initial days the operation started and many continued to escape the following days except for those who were not being allowed to leave by the militants.

Concludingly, this is not the first incident of its kind, history tells that many times unislamic acts have been done taking the name of Islam. In November 1979 during Hajj a similar and more shocking incident was witnessed when so called Islamic militants seized the Holy Kaaba, the armed takeover resulted in bloodshed in the most holiest site of the Islamic world. The siege continued for two weeks with a final battle to regain control of Holy Kaaba.


It is strange that people read the ahadees of Rasul Allah (sm) on Khawarij and it is Ijma of all Muslims that TTP are Khawarij, still there are many deaf, dumb and blind who support these Khawarij just because they belong to their maslak, Astaghfurullah! These people reject the Ahadees but support the Khawarij !! What else is Kufr????

Khawarij is NOT a maslak. It is an anarchic ideology which wages war against Muslims. If anyone wages a war against Rasul Allah (sm) and thes
e conditions apply on them, then he is from Khawarij, They can be from any Maslak -- Barelvis, deobandi, ahl hadees or Ahl Tashee. This is unfortunate that in Pakistan, they belong to Congressi deobandi maslak. In Syria or Iraq or Libya, they belong to some other maslak.

There are many scholars from Deoband Maslak who reject these Khawarij and are loyal to Pakistan. We have always made this clear. We respect them and appreciate their love for Pakistan.

To all Muslims -- we ask them to read the Ahadees on Khawarij and see which cursed group comes under these ahadees. DO NOT believe what I say. Read the Ahadees directly and see which group is Khawarij. If you cannot see, then we are afraid, Allah has sealed the hearts and minds.

Just Imagine, what will be the fate of those people who rebelled against Rasul Allah (sm) and supported the Khawarij, just because they happened to be from their own maslak, Astaghfurullah.

Speaking against the crimes of MQM does NOT mean we are speaking against Urdu speaking Muslims.

Speaking against treason ANP does NOT mean we are speaking against Pashtun Muslims.

Similarly, speaking against violence of Khawarij does NOT mean we are speaking against Deoband Maslak. Know this clearly.


When most of you were not even born, a "lal masjid" styled battle was fought within Khana Kaaba itself. A gang of Khawarij had taken over Masjid e Haram, just as TTP gangsters did at lal masjid. The Khawarij at Makkah demanded Shariat, just as Lal masjid gangsters demanded. Makkah Khawarij had thousands of Hajis, men and women as hostage, just as Lal masjid khawarij. A fierce battle was fought within Khana Kaaba, just as in Lal masjid. The Khawarij were killed, just as in Lal
masjid. Thousands of Muslims, men, women and even women of Khawarij were killed in crossfire, just as in Lal masjid. The entire Muslim world supported the battle against the Makkah Khawarij, just as in Lal masjid.

Those who say Pakistan army violated the sanctity of masjid and attacked Muslims who were demanding shariat should also speak about the take over of Masjid e Haram by Khwarij and what Muslim Ummah did with them. Khawarij can emerge in all times, at all places. They are dogs of hell who must be killed ruthlessly. Thats what Muslim armies did in 1979 also just as in Lal masjid.

 The Grand Mosque Seizure on 20 November 1979, was an armed attack and takeover by Islamist dissidents of the Al-Masjid al-Haram in MeccaSaudi Arabia, the holiest place in Islam. The insurgents declared that theMahdi, or redeemer of Islam, had arrived in the form of one of the insurgent leaders, Mohammed Abdullah al-Qahtani, and called on Muslims to obey him.

The surviving insurgents under custody of Saudi Authorities. c. 1980.


Those who reject the Hadees of Rasul Allah (sm) are destined for hellfire. This is what our beloved Sayyadi said about the Khawarij of the END TIMES -- the TTP and their supporters. !!! Rasul Allah (sm) has ordered the Ummah to kill them in
stantly. They will appear as pious men and would read Quran but would spread violence and fasad in the land, just as Lal masjid people did.

“Just before the end of time, young, idiotic people will rise. They will say words similar to (the good words) of the best people. They will recite the Quran, but it will not go beyond their throats. They will deviate from the religion as fast as an arrow pierces the game. If you meet them, kill them, for killing them will bring about a reward from Allah on the Day of Resurrection for whoever kills them.” [Al-Bukhari & Muslim].

Also, the Messenger of Allah, Salla Allahu Alayhi Wasallam, said regarding a man who once accused him of injustice, “From among the offspring of this man there will rise a people who will read the Quran but it will not go beyond their throats (meaning it will not enter their hearts). They will kill Muslims and spare Idol-worshippers. They will deviate from Islam (as fast and clean) as an arrow pierces the game. If I live to witness their appearance, I will kill them as the people of ‘Aad (whom Allah utterly destroyed and annihilated because of their disbelief) were killed.” [Al-Bukhari & Muslim].


 Photo: ‎Ibn Al-Qayyim said,<br/>نهيُ النبيِّ عن قتال الأمراء والخروج على الأئمة وإن ظلموا أو جاروا ما أقاموا الصلاة، سدًّا لذريعة الفسادِ العظيم والشرِّ الكثير بقتالهم كما هو الواقع، فإنّه حصل بسبب قتالهم والخروج عليهم أضعافُ أضعافِ ما هم عليه، والأمّة في<br/><br/>بقايا تلك الشرور إلى الآن<br/><br/>"The Prophet forbidden taking arms against the rulers and revolting against them even if they were unjust as long as long as they established prayers. He said this in order to prevent great corruption and evil that could emanate from taking arms against them<br/><br/>What Lal masjid khawarij did in Islamabad and the khawarij at Makkah Mukarrama did in 1979 created greatest of fitnah and fasad and their khrooj or rebellion against Pakistan was totally haram.‎

Ibn Al-Qayyim said,
نهيُ النبيِّ عن قتال الأمراء والخروج على الأئمة وإن ظلموا أو جاروا ما أقاموا الصلاة، سدًّا لذريعة الفسادِ العظيم والشرِّ الكثير بقتالهم كما هو الواقع، فإنّه حصل بسبب قتالهم والخروج عليهم أضعافُ أضعافِ ما هم عليه، والأمّة

بقايا تلك الشرور إلى الآن

"The Prophet forbidden taking arms against the rulers and revolting against them even if they were unjust as long as long as they established prayers. He said this in order to prevent great corruption and evil that could emanate from taking arms against them

What Lal masjid khawarij did in Islamabad and the khawarij at Makkah Mukarrama did in 1979 created greatest of fitnah and fasad and their khrooj or rebellion against Pakistan was totally haram.

We have done an exhaustive analysis of Khawarij of today but still there are those deaf, dumb and blind whose hearts have been sealed by Allah (swt). This is called truly Bud-Naseeb people.

Rasul Allah (sm) was physically present but stil
l Abu Jahal refused to accept Islam. This is called Bud-naseeb.

Sayyadna Ali (RA) was physically present but the Khawarij called him a Kafir (naoozubillah) and asked him to recite Kalima and become Muslim again. This is called truly bud-naseeb people.

So, if such snakes could exist when Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) and Sayyadna Ali was physically present, then we are not surprised that we find such snakes today also as explained by Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm).

One important point to remember is that Khawarij is a specific religious/political group whose identification has been given in over 100 Ahadees of Rasul Allah (sm). Muslims can be sinful, fasiq, fajir, zalim etc but for him to become a Kharji, certain very strict conditions have to be fulfilled. That is why every sinful Muslim is NOT a Kharji. Note this carefully.

If a gang is defined to be Kharji, then Rasul Allah (sm) has strictly forbidden any negotiations or deals with them. They cannot be given safe passage or concessions. They are to be killed "where ever they may be"!!! So those who say that we can have peace deals with TTP and their snakes are violating the orders of Rasul Allah (sm). Read the brochure on Kharjis again and know these snakes. They are within us, within our masjids and within our homes. Those who follow them would become the "dogs of hell". Be very careful.


There are dozens of Mujahideen groups in the world fighting to defend Islam, our faith, Muslim lands and people. NOT a single one amongst them qualify to be Khawarij except TTP and some groups in Libya and Syria.

There is Hamas in Palest
Hizb ul Mujahideen and LeT in Kashmir.
Mujahideen of Chechenya.
Mujahideen of Iraq.
Afghan Taliban Mujahideen.
Hizbullah in Lebanon.

All these groups are NOT khawarij and do NOT qualify on the strict conditions set by Rasul Allah (sm). These groups are Mujahideen fighting against Kufr. Even if they make mistakes, they are NOT khawarij.

But TTP is fighting against Pakistan, taking help from Indians and NATO crusaders and killing ordinary Muslims and Pak army. They are biggest supporters of Hindu Mushriks. Rasul Allah (sm) had warned us against them. Be very careful of these "dogs of hell".

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